Information is indicative, input/output may change according to weather and other factors/variables.
Daily average production value 100 L
24h energy consumption 14,4 kWh
Calculated in ~25°C, 70-80% humidity
Daily water production in perfect conditions 100- 120 L
(~30°C and 85-100% air humidity)
Better conditions mean lower energy consumption
~45 minutes from generator start to water production
~2 hours from starting generator to getting water from the faucet
Generator will not work properly in temperatures lower than 15°C
Daily average production value 1000 L
24h energy consumption 144 kWh
Calculated in ~25°C, 70-80% humidity
Daily water production in perfect conditions 1100 - 1500 L
(~30°C and 85-100% air humidity)
Better conditions mean lower energy consumption
~45 minutes from generator start to water production
~2-3 hours from starting generator to getting water from the faucet
Generator will not work properly in temperatures lower than 15°C
Daily average production value 2000 L
24h energy consumption 288 kWh
Calculated in ~25°C, 70-80% humidity
Daily water production in perfect conditions 2200 - 2600 L
(~30°C and 85-100% air humidity)
Better conditions mean lower energy consumption
~55 minutes from generator start to water production
~3 hours from starting generator to getting water from the faucet
Generator will not work properly in temperatures lower than 15°C
Daily average production value 5000 L
24h energy consumption 720 kWh
Calculated in ~25°C, 70-80% humidity
Daily water production in perfect conditions 5500 - 6000 L
(~30°C and 85-100% air humidity)
Better conditions mean lower energy consumption
~55 minutes from generator start to water production
~3-4 hours from starting generator to getting water from the faucet
Generator will not work properly in temperatures lower than 15°C
Daily average production value 10 000 L
24h energy consumption 1440 kWh
Calculated in ~25°C, 70-80% humidity
Daily water production in perfect conditions 11000 - 12000 L
(~30°C and 85-100% air humidity)
Better conditions mean lower energy consumption
~120 minutes from generator start to water production
~4 hours from starting generator to getting water from the faucet
Generator will not work properly in temperatures lower than 15°C
Connection to watertank, bottling system or water pipe
Remote monitoring and control by web-browser
Contact our team so they can cater to your needs directly and provide relevant information that is essential for you
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